Google Play Store has a Virtual Hand Sanitizer app, and I am entertained!

The world of mobile apps is weird. There’s an app that tells you when’s the right time to take a pee break during a movie. Another one’s a game called Pimple Popper that lets you digitally pop pimples,. And then there is my personal favorite called CatPaint that lets you add a cat to any picture, because why not? Now, a new one joins the list and it is called Virtual Hand Sanitizer.

The name says it all. Virtual-Hand-Sanitizer. And yes, it is infuriatingly opportunistic to make an app in times when we are losing our mind staying at home and spending more money on sanitizers (for good reason) than an unhealthy Happy Meal at McDonald’s. Developed by LongCatIcedTea, the app does nothing, literally nothing, but it is weirdly entertaining too.

All you have is a hand sanitizer bottle, and you tap on it anywhere to eject blue virtual hand sanitizer out of the nozzle. And yes, it makes a satisfying sound every time the liquid plops out. Sadly, there is no haptic feedback, something I sorely miss being an ‘app vibration feedback connoisseur’. Plus, there is a perpetual Facebook ad at the bottom that takes away some of the app’s aesthetic appeal.

Should you download the app? Go ahead, it’s your phone and internet connection. What’s the purpose of making it in the first place? Only God knows (and also the developer). But it is definitely amusing to see that Google Play has cleared an app that serves almost no purpose to justify its existence.

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