Skype lightens the load with Mingo, unreleased app in alpha on Play Store

Skype is still a thing, believe it or not. And it still wants to be a thing for Android users, especially as special server-facilitated chat apps bundle in every conceivable feature possible. But how do developing countries cope with features, features and features with sky-high .APK sizes?

Well, Microsoft has reformulated Skype into Mingo, an unreleased app in alpha testing on the Play Store, with something that its existing counterpart never had: SMS compatibility.

In fact, avoiding data bucket sips is a priority for Mingo — again, the user interface should be pretty easy stuff for Skype familiars — with “Economical Calling” and “On-Demand Sync” options and a data usage tracker. Mingo uses both rich data services as well as cellular infrastructure.

The only we you can get the app for testing right now is through a direct link (that’s the source link) and not through a search. Keep in mind that applicant pools are limited from the get-go, so don’t be surprised if you come away disappointed and without a download.


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