Google launches new Device Assist app for Nexus, GPe, and Android One models

Google may not be the best company around when it comes to selling hardware (how many of you are still trying to buy a Nexus 6 through the Play Store?), but it does a pretty solid job when it comes to customer support. Google’s rarely a company to be satisfied resting on its laurels, and today releases a new app designed to make accessing support easier than ever, while also offering some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Android hardware.The app’s called Device Assist, and ...

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Android One Lollipop updates likely just weeks away

It’s been about six months now since Google announced its Android One project at Google I/O, an effort to streamline handset development and empower manufacturers to quickly and easily get cheap, versatile hardware into the hands of customers. If you’re a smartphone user in the West, you may not be up on all the Android One developments since, but shoppers in India have already had the opportunity to get on board the Android One ...

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Android L is hot as hell – but you can’t have it

Android L is the working title for Google’s next version of the Android operating system. It was announced at the end of June, 2014, and entered a developer preview that has seen two releases thus far. All signs point to Android L being released within the next few months, but what does that mean for you?Android LAndroid L is full of new improvements and eye candy all over the place. It’s beautiful, fluid, and has ...

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Why is Google cooking up an all-new messaging app?

If there’s one thing it seems really difficult to accuse Google of, it’s not giving users enough ways to communicate with each other. We’ve got Google Mail, Voice, Hangouts (above), and Google+, not to mention self-publishing tools like Blogger. With all these options, it almost seems ridiculous to think about adding new ones, but that very well may be what Google’s up to right now, as rumors suggest that it’s putting together a new platform for instant messaging.The ...

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Android One debuts in India, as Google announces new OEM partners

Right as we were getting into September, Google sent out invitations to an event scheduled for today in India, one where we would get “an exciting new announcement” from the company. Based on where this was taking place, we wondered if this might not be the follow-up to Google I/O’s news of the new Android One project. Sure enough, earlier today in India Google formally introduced the world to the first Android One devices, while also ...

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Google event sparks Android One rumors

After a bit of a lull in Android One news following the project’s formal announcement back at Google I/O a couple months back, rumors picked up again last week, delivering a little good news alongside some bad news. On the one hand, it sounded like India might be getting its first Android One hardware over a month ahead of schedule, but then we also heard that the phones might come in a bit north (or maybe even more than a ...

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Android One tipped to arrive earlier than expected (but at a higher price)

Google set its sights on developing markets this year, announcing Android One during its Google I/O keynote this past June. Android One would provide resources for manufacturers to quickly and easily put together handsets running stock Android, while simultaneously giving users access to speedy software updates. With phones priced at $100 or less, the program promised to really step-up the quality we find at the bottom of the budget hardware barrel. Last we heard,

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The case for skins: why stock may be anti-Android

While users may not have always responded favorably, the ability of OEMs to deliver wildly divergent looks for their Android UIs could be seen as big success story for the sort of openness and flexibility that only Android offers.In the very early days of Android, everything looked the same. Manufacturers kept the stock OS intact and focused on deploying hardware — that’s where the real creativity was exercised back then. That approach didn’t last long. Shortly after HTC built the G1 for T-Mobile, it created other phones with interfaces that began to refine the somewhat ...

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Android One rumors get specific on release details

One of the bigger announcements we got from Google during its I/O keynote address was word of the forthcoming Android One initiative. The project gives assistance to OEMs interested in releasing low cost, good quality handsets running a very Nexus-like stock Android build. We heard about a few manufacturers who would be participating, were teased with promises of sub-$100 price tags, and were told that we’d see things get underway sometime this fall. This week, a new report out of India attempts offer a little ...

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Android One and the future of the platform

So this week was exciting huh? Google I/O and the return of 3D graphics and animations in Android. Android Car, Android TV, Android Lunchboxes. All very exciting. So exciting, that it almost drowned out one of the more notable announcements of the Keynote: Android One. But it’s a confusing issue, so lets talk about it a little shall we?Android One is basically a blueprint for a low-end phone. It’s a set of hardware and software rules that OEMs can follow to make what amounts to a pretty good dual- SIM toting handset that is set to reel in “the next billion”. “The next billion” ...

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Is Android L the death of OEM Skins?

As we’ve had the opportunity to review devices manufactured by various OEMs, an interesting trend has begun to surface: OEM skins are getting lighter-weight, and a distinctive and bold color scheme has been evolving.We’ve reviewed the HTC One M8, the One mini 2, and the Desire 816. All of them run modern versions of HTC’s Sense UI, and all feature very ...

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Google announces Android One initiative

Google’s Sundar Pichai just took to the stage at Google I/O today, and after bringin gus up to speed with some of the latest Android user statistics, he’s got the first big I/O announcement to make: the launch of Google’s Android One project.Android One is an undertaking designed to really streamline the development, release, and support of new Android handsets, helping OEMs get high-quality devices out to the growing Android user base.Google provides reference designs, access to qualified vendors, and the tools manufacturers will need in order to quickly put together ...

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