Google brings tighter Android Auto integration to underachieving Allo app

Well, Allo there, Android Auto, and nice to finally be able to communicate properly behind the wheel without taking one's eyes off the road.

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Skype lightens the load with Mingo, unreleased app in alpha on Play Store

Skype is still a thing, believe it or not. And it still wants to be a thing for Android users, especially as special server-facilitated chat apps bundle in every conceivable feature possible. But how do developing countries cope with features, features and features with sky-high .APK sizes?

Well, Microsoft has reformulated Skype into Mingo, an unreleased app in alpha testing on the Play Store, with something that its existing counterpart never had: SMS compatibility.

In fact, avoiding data bucket sips is a priority for Mingo — again, the user interface should be pretty easy stuff for Skype familiars — with “Economical Calling” and “On-Demand Sync” options and a data usage tracker. Mingo uses both rich data services as well as cellular infrastructure.

The only we you can get the app for testing right now is through a direct link (that’s the source link) and not through a search. Keep in mind that applicant pools are limited from the get-go, so don’t be surprised if you come away disappointed and without a download.


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You shouldn’t need five chat apps

When the Internet was coming into its own back in the ’90’s, we were migrating from “classic” uses (Archie, Finger, Ping, Usenet, FTP, Email, web browsing, etc.), to a more “modern” set. Chances are that you’ve heard of a couple of those, whereas the others have all but faded out of commonality. Today web technologies power most of what we do, and it looks like email is next on the chopping block. If that’s the case, will chat apps replace ...

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