Stoners want Google to rename Android Marshmallow

Stoners want Google to rename Android Marshmallow

Google has confirmed that Android M will officially be named Android Marshmallow, but there's already a call to change it from a mellow yet vocal section of society: the stoners.

A website called misformunchines, designed like Google's Alphabet site, has just popped up containing an open letter to Google to change the name of Marshmallow to Android Munchies.

"We assert that it would be neither humane nor fair to the millions of stoners to call the upcoming release anything but 'Munchies', regardless of how tempting and mushy marshmallow sounds right now," it reads.

Blazing squad

There are also some fancy graphs explaining that there's big overlap of Android Users and stoners, which we can only assume is based on real empirical evidence.

However, there's no actual petition as far as we can see. The signature on the bottom also looks like "Bud Munchies" gave up halfway through.

In sum, the whole thing looks like it was put together by someone who was high at the time. We wish them well on their quest.

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Allow these gnomes to show you the future of Android gaming

Imagination Technologies has just revealed a brand new demo of its Vulkan driver for PowerVR GPU, running on Google's Nexus Player. The upshot? Gaming on Android is about to get a lot better.

Vulkan has been shown off before, but the latest prototype arrives after many improvements to the spec, including some input from Google.

The API is not yet publicly available, but when it is, developers will be able to use Vulkan on Android devices to provide better performance and energy consumption.

Using Vulkan, overall CPU usage is reduced significantly compared to OpenGL ES (a stripped-down version of the OpenGL API), and the result is telling.

Gnoming me, Gnoming you

The video, shown below, puts Vulkan side by side with OpenGL ES 3.0, with the latter (that's the one on the right) clearly not able to match performance when the camera is pulled away.

That said, Imagination emphasises that this is an "exaggerated scenario" that uses OpenGL ES in a way that "it was not designed for". But the point stands: Vulkan will open up better efficiency and performance for high-end graphics on Android devices - and we can't wait.

If you're at this year's SIGGRAPH show, you can pop along to Imagination's presentation to see the demo in action. Otherwise, take a look below.

YouTube :

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WhatsApp is safe: government’s plan to spy on your data ruled unlawful

WhatsApp is safe: government's plan to spy on your data ruled unlawful

The UK High Court has ruled that parts of the government's surveillance plans are unlawful, ruling out a possible ban on apps like WhatsApp and Snapchat.

The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act, permitting agencies and public bodies to gather information about phone calls and emails, was deemed to be "inconsistent with EU law", reports the BBC. The government has been told it must pass new legislation to be enacted by the end of next March.

This week, many of the UK press have reported that the UK government wants to ban WhatsApp as part of the Snooper's Charter. We didn't report on this for one simple reason: there was no evidence that anyone had said it. And indeed, Downing Street later debunked the myth.

Last month, David Cameron hinted that a crack-down on encryption could be on the cards, though it wasn't explicitly said out loud. This led to a lot of speculation that an all-out attack encryption could be on the cards, with the potential for encryption-using services like WhatsApp and Snapchat banned in the UK.

But today's ruling has ensured that won't be possible for now.

Safe for now

The Data Retention act was challenged by Labour MP Tom Watson and Conservative MP David Davis.

Both argued that it was not harmonious with article eight of the European convention on human rights and articles seven and eight of the EU charter of fundamental rights. These concern the respect for privacy and the protection of personal data.

The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act was fast-tracked by the coalition government last year. But a lack of adequate safeguards mean that data obtained could be accessed by a large number of public authorities, not limited to criminal investigations.

The home secretary has been granted permission to appeal against the ruling, but for now, your apps are most certainly safe.

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How to stream Beats 1 on an Android device

How to stream Beats 1 on an Android device

Apple Music has awoken, but if you're on Android you'll have to wait a bit longer to use the service. Apple is launching the Android app later this year, however someone has found an unofficial way to stream the Beats 1 radio station on Android devices.

The stream, made using an unencrypted HTTP streaming source (first spotted by TNW) can be found here and will work on all devices running Android 4.1 or later.

Don't expect it to hang around for very long though - Apple will probably stamp it out soon.

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It’s almost certain that Huawei is making Google’s new Nexus

It's almost certain that Huawei is making Google's new Nexus

It was already rumoured that Huawei was working with Google on a new Nexus smartphone, but now it looks almost certain.

IBTimes UK reports that Huawei will definitely launch a Nexus phone later this year, quoting a source "familiar with Huawei's plans".

Huawei itself told TechRadar: "Huawei is unable to confirm whether it will be working with Google on the upcoming Nexus phone" - so it's not denying it.

We're also heard murmurs of two Nexus handsets being launched, but we'd expect Huawei to build both of them if that's true. One other rumour has claimed the new Nexus will have a 5.7-inch display, making it (thankfully) smaller than the Nexus 6.

Huawei could certainly do with building its reputation in the West, and this would be the perfect way to do so.

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Adblock Plus developer is annoyed because iOS 9 will block ads

Adblock Plus developer is annoyed because iOS 9 will block ads

The developer of Adblock Plus is annoyed because iOS 9 has its own ad-blocking feature, so that's what's up.

In iOS 9, Apple is opening the door for extensions that "block cookies, images, resources, pop-ups, and other content," which is good news for users but bad news for publishers and advertisers.

It's also a bit of a blow to existing popular ad blockers, who might now be pushed out the picture - particularly Adblock Plus, which lets certain adverts pay to pass through the software's filter.

Adblock Plus is about to roll out an iPhone browser, which may become redundant before it even gets off the ground.

I'm a business, man

Ad blocking is a morally dubious activity in an era where publishers need adverts in order to offer free content to readers, but the developer of Adblock Plus is clearly a tad cheesed off with Apple nonetheless.

"So far very little is known about Content Blocking Extensions, available in Safari 9 and iOS 9," said Sebastian Noack. "We appreciate and support Apple's attempts to finally catch up on extensions, but those latest changes will create either the best possible landscape for Safari extensions, or the worst - especially for Adblock Plus."

He added: "We are nervously awaiting how powerful their block lists will be".

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Samsung’s new advert is so bad I never want to use technology again

Samsung's new advert is so bad I never want to use technology again

Samsung, why do you make it so hard for me to love you? I spent so many years totally unfazed by your phones and then the S6 Edge came out, and I said, "You know what? This looks a bit nice. Maybe I'll buy a Samsung phone".

Your latest advert has allayed that curiosity, so send a big hearty "good job" to the marketing department from me.

It does not make me want to buy a phone. It makes me want to sink all my technology in a river, cut ties with my family and friends, go and live in a hole in the ground and catch fish with spears until the day I die.

And one day in the far off future they'll find the dusty remains of my carcass propped against the cave wall on which I've etched the same words over and over: "I'm annoyed".

YouTube :

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LG G4 launches with next-level camera… but clad in leather

LG G4 launches with next-level camera... but clad in leather

We already knew just about everything there was to know about the LG G4, but the leather-clad smartphone has just been officially revealed.

Facing front, this doesn't look like a smartphone that's shaking things up massively, though LG says its its 5.5-inch QHD Quantum LCD is the first on a smartphone. As for the internals: a Snapdragon 808 processor, 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.

There's a decent 3000mAh battery to boot and a 16MP camera with bright f/1.8 aperture that LG spent most of its press conference singing about.

Turn it around, however, and you've got a vegetable tanned leather (not faux leather, Samsung) back that LG hopes will differentiate its phone from the billion other on the market.

Heaven for leather

The phone comes running Android Lollipop, as you would expect, which includes a number of LG's personal tweak. For example, the phone will now organise your photos by 'memory', while another widget tells you when apps are draining battery power when the screen is off.

Finally, G4 owners will get 100GB of free Google Drive space for two years, which isn't to be sniffed at.


Our live blog has finished, but you can catch up below...

16.47 - Think we're wrapping up now. Phew. Now for some hands on magic. Thanks all!

16.45 - This is excruciating. Everyone is salivating over it, and the video is lower quality to make it seem they were completely natural. They even had a footballer wearing a shirt with LG emblazoned on it.

Yep, he loved it too.

16.43 - Hearing from 'normal people' now. There's some guy who keeps saying how young he is. Yes, we get it, you're a teenager.

Weirdly everyone loves it. Ha, someone just called it 'aerodynamic'.

16.42 - Mirrorlink is on board. Brief mention of that. Doesn't look like LG is making a big deal of that. 100GB of Google Drive space on board - LG is talking about it like it invented the cloud.

16.39 - The LG UX 4.0 is up now, 'customising to you'. It organises your pictures by 'memory' - creating albums for you and the Smart Notice letting you know when albums have been created. Not sure why that's a good thing.

The better news: scrolling through loads of photos won't be a slow, sluggish affair. That's a better thing.


16.36 - When the display is showing a static image, the CPU goes to sleep, and the new LCD structure allows more light through, so the backlight can be lower - and save the battery.

The Smart Notice feature will also tell you when the battery is being sucked away by rogue apps. 11% battery improvement over last year's G3. Will that be enough though? The G3 was no great shakes for power management, lest we forget.

16.34 - Talking all about the display now - LG is using the Digital Cinemas Initiative colour standard, with 20% better colour reproduction than competitors, according to LG. Coughlin thinks the competition will be 'trying to catch' up - maybe.

The brightness is 25%, the contrast up 50% and in-cell touch (for faster response) and better outdoor visibility.

16.33 - Now we're seeing all the selfie business - it's an 8MP snapper that seems like it's pretty much designed for selfie sticks, thanks to the gesture recognition to take the pic. *sigh*.

16,31 - Hearing about the camera now from a 'humanitarian photographer' - Colby Brown - he's all about the camera, saying it can let users take great, professional photos with a smartphone camera.

I've heard this so many times. It's never happened. Otherwise cameras wouldn't be a thing any more.LG G4

16.28 - RAW support is on board, which we'd expected after the launch of the new version of Android. And it can also let you draw with light - and guess what? There's a microSD slot for more space for your photos! Removable battery and microSD - this war just WON'T GO AWAY.

16.26 - Seeing it compared to 'competitor B' now. That's clearly Samsung. Which is odd, as I'd have thought the S6 would have taken a better picture than that. The G4 can interpret RGB better than most other cameras - combining with IR to... wait, Coughlin is just saying words now. He's trying to blind us with science.

Just say it's got a good camera, and move on. We can't explain this to the normal people that don't care.


16.24 - Thankfully LG is on the low-light, large sensor game. 40% larger than some others, and one of the best with the f1.8 sensor. The optical image stabilisation has been super boosted, with 3D movement and further movement allowed - that sounds like it could be a really good feature.

More light in? Excellent!

16.23 - Learning now. 'Phos' means light, 'graphos' means light, so photography is light drawing. Weirdly this phone can do just that. I see what LG did there.


16.21 - Onto the camera now - the laser autofocus is back, and the camera will launch in just 0.6 seconds - which is 0.1 seconds faster than Galaxy S6. Just shouted out the Samsung by laughing at brands that let you open the camera by double tapping the home button, rather than the rear key LG has.

Come on guys, you're better than mocking Sams... oh, wait, no. You love that.

16.20 - There's also ceramic plastic with metallic finish - with a diamond effect to make it look premium. I don't know why the brand is shying away from metal here. I do like the fact it's trying to do something different, but at the same time this is going to divide consumers.

16.18 - The back is where LG thinks it can differentiate. It 'sought out colours and finishes to represent warmth.' It also spent three months working out a new way of using leather in a phone, using vegetable tanning in the full grain leather.

LG keeps going on about craftmanship, but it's still a leather phone. The Moto X came in leather and it really got bruised easily, but LG reckons it will let you 'impart a part of yourself into it'.

16.15 - Here comes the justification of the leather back - calling normal phones 'monolithic block' with fingerprints magnetising to it, and being really boring in terms of design. LG's Andrew Coughlin, head of Mobile LG UK, thinks the arced design is 20% more durable.

The removable battery is back - apparently in response to consumer battery. 3000mAh battery, with 'minimal compromise'.

16.14 - Apparently there's so much more we haven't heard about the LG G4. Asking us 'if we believe everything we read on the web'. Yes, LG - that's because you put it on there.


16.13 - Quick shot looks good - super fast from lock screen to taking a snap. That looks fast enough to rival the 0.7 seconds of the Samsung Galaxy S6.

16.11 - Watching some drone footage now captured with the G4. It's got a colour spectrum sensor to automatically help you get the best picture, manual mode to let you shoot in more depth than ever before, a super low-light f1.8 sensor and the 2K IPS Quantum display that's even brighter than before.

UI is overhauled - Smart Bulletin and Smart Notice are upgraded. I wonder if they'll do anything more than let me know the shipping forecast isn't available.

16.10 - Qualcomm chap on stage now through video - he's all about the G4. Improved GPS, powering the QHD display without munching the battery, better graphics... blah blah blah. We've heard this all before. He's congratulating LG for making the G4. Well done them.

16.07 - The IPS Quantum display is one of the best on the market, offering 2K display and making it 25% brighter than last year's dark-fest.


16.06 - Some more buzzwords for you: comfortable elegance. Woohoo - the laser is back! Lasercam f1.8 - the closest they've ever come to emulating the naked eye...

16.05 - Leather, plastic, screen, camera - all confirmed according to this video.

16.04 - The goal of the G4: not just to show technology, but must be based on understanding the user and those that benefit from it. 'Innovation for a better life'. Tag line there, people.

Brian promises this phone gives him more pleasure than anything. Here it comes... the LG G4!

16.02 - Gabby's seen the phone. She's caressed it. She promises we won't be disappointed. Brian Na, pres of LG Electronics Europe, just trotted out.


16.00 - And we're off! Traditional LG boomy music, inspiring magic and some other sorcery. There's a light that's flickering around people's heads. They're all frozen in time. It's a magic light that can freeze people.

The G4 will have the ability to stop time. Hey, Gabby Logan is here in London!

15.59 - it's about to kick off. Any second. Although we all know what's going to happen. IMAGINE IF LG HAD BOUGHT SAMSUNG. Wouldn't have seen that coming.


15.56 - I'm finally in. There are pictures of the G4 everywhere. Actually, an LG exec was showing it off outside earlier. Pics here...

15.27 - we're mingling with the growing throng of people looking to get their eyes on the new LG G4. I've had a canapé. We're flying.

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The new Acer smartphone lasts longer than the one in your pocket

The new Acer smartphone lasts longer than the one in your pocket

Acer has just revealed a new smartphone called the Liquid X2. Why should you care? Because it has a crazy big battery.

We often complain about the battery life in current phones, but Acer's cramming an impressive 4,000mAh pack into the Liquid handset which should give you hundreds and hundreds of hours of standby time.

It also has tri-SIM support for all your intrepid travellers, as well as a 64 bit octa-core processor, and 13MP F1.8 cameras on both the front and back. We'll be having a play with it shortly, so hold tight.

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MWC 2015: Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge bring back the premium look

MWC 2015: Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge bring back the premium look

Samsung's launched the phones we knew it would at MWC in Barcelona, with the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge landing precisely as predicted.

The big news is the design: the 'standard' Galaxy S6 is clad in a metal unibody that offers a higher-end finish than the recent A Series, due to it adding glass to the front and back.

The Galaxy S6 Edge is slightly different in that it has a 'dual curve' screen that bends down at the edges of the phone, giving new options for the display with tactile elements for hitting up your favourite contacts and control music without disturbing your main app.

Galaxy S6

The same differences

Apart from the design both phones are largely identical; the S6 Edge comes in slightly thicker at 7mm – compared to 6.8mm on the S6 – and the curvier phone has a larger battery (2600mAh compared to 2550mAh).

Both phones will come in a variety of 'translucent' colours to offer consumers a different flavour, which Samsung is hoping will hide the fact its got rid of the microSD slot and removable battery from last year.

Galaxy S6

S6 Edge

The former is designed to speed up the internal workings of the phone, with everything coming from the 32GB / 64GB / 128GB capacity, and the latter is to allow for a more sleek unibody design.

The camera remains at 16MP on the rear, with 5MP on the front, and both have upgraded low light abilities (f1.9 aperture, if you're curious) as well as Auto HDR.

S6 Edge

Samsung hasn't revealed the Galaxy S6 release date or price (for either model, actually) but we're pretty sure it's going to be around April that you can get your hands on one.

Expect to pay something close to the iPhone 6 levels for the phone, if not a little more for the S6 Edge.

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MWC 2015: We’re live in Barcelona for Samsung’s big Galaxy S6 launch

MWC 2015: We're live in Barcelona for Samsung's big Galaxy S6 launch

19.15 Let's do a little wrap up:

19.14 And we're DONE!

19.13 The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge will be on sale from April 10, with accessories and all that on sale too. No word on price though, despite it being outed as 32GB, 64GB and 128GB flavours.

Galaxy S6

19.12 Watching the adverts now. The two phones will be shown off together... that's interesting. I really wish the Edge would do better in sales. It's awesome.

19.10 That was short. Unpacked is wrapping up now. Samsung certainly has done something to put the spectre of the horrendous S4 launch in New York to bed.

Man, that was horrible.

19.09 Hearing about how secure this phone is. Samsung Knox is on the menu. It's two thumbs up from top government agencies with high standards of mobile standards security - I bet our TechRadar Pro editor Desire Athow is going to have something to say about this.

19.07 To enable security, there's no card information on the phone itself, or with Samsung. It's going to be with Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Starting this summer in US and South Korea.

It will be accepted by 'far and away' more merchants than any other offering. 'Getting mobile payments right'.

Galaxy S6

I bet Apple isn't bothered... a phone being able to mimic magnetic stripes is confusing. People aren't going to like that.

19.05 Onto payments now: NFC is not universally accepted - it limits you to less than 10% of merchants in the US, for instance. So Samsung Pay lets you pay anywhere that accepts credit, debit or NFC cards.

Can't do chip and pin though, can it?

Samsung Galaxy S6

19.04 The S6 camera is always on, so double click the home button and it turns on in 0.7 seconds.

This is a little worrying - no matter how good the effects are. This phone only has a 2550mAh battery... that efficiency had better be frickin' brilliant.

19.02 Optical image stabilisation is back again - and we're comparing to the iPhone 6 Plus' OIS too. It's a big difference, but making this much of a deal about how much better than the iPhone is dangerous.

There was a comedy moment here when Samsung tried to show that its video HDR mode was super bright compared to the iPhone 6 Plus. Except the video stuttered. Erm....

19.00 Samsung is, once again, excited about its new phone. 'The key challenge is creating a camera that excels in all lighting conditions'.

It's got a really bright f1.9 lens, and that's good. Auto HDR is good. But this is stuff from a couple of years ago Samsung. Although the real time HDR isn't... apart from last year on the S5. Just not on the front.

In fairness, the front and back cameras are the same power in terms of aperture. 5MP on the front, 16MP on the back.

18.59 It's camera time... again. Oh, the quality of it.

18.58 Talking about the non-removable battery - said it resisted as it wanted to make sure it could do it properly, that everyone could charge easily.

And wireless charging - on both standards - is built right in so no matter what cafe you're in you'll be able to charge your phone.

18.57 Samsung has made the industry's fastest charging phone - 10 minutes for up to 4 hours of every day use. Takes half the time of the iPhone 6.



18.56 A new Gear VR: for both the S6 and S6 Edge. Shame the original won't work with it. You could hear the applause was pretty muted then.

People are grumpy.

18.55 The S6 and S6 Edge have next gen displays, according to old Justin. 77% more pixels than the Galaxy S5! So many pixels! How exciting!

18.53 Justin Denison on stage now to talk about the chipset in the phone - 14nm technology sounds boring, but it means 20% faster performance, and 35% more efficient than the Note 4's chip.

The RAM speed is massively faster, and the new Flash Storage will use less power and be quicker too. It means lag is less likely to happen - although this is Samsung, and I've heard these things before.

18.51 People are clapping a lot here for... well... nothing. This bit is cool though: the Edge, when flipped, will glow on the sides of the screens with a different colour for each of your favourite five contacts. Place your finger on the heart rate sensor and it will send a pre-loaded message.

We suggest 'leave me alone, I don't love you any more'.

18.50 Camera controls now. Labels on the icons is apparently massive. Seems like Samsung has just added words to pictures. Hyun just shouted about that one.

18.49 The lag or juddering is gone, we're hearing. They are a lot faster under the finger, that's true. Samsung's own chip certainly helps inside these phones.

18.48 Hyun Yeul Lee from the UX team is on stage now. Spoiler alert, Samsung is going to pretend its stripped TouchWiz right down. It hasn't really. Just fewer menus, moved icons into text, and flattened icons.

18.46 We're hearing about how amazed people were at Samsung when they heard about the colours on the back. Gorilla Glass 4 is on the scene as well - the toughest in the market, and the metal in the Galaxy S6 is 50% stronger than other phones on the market.

'I know that this phone will not bend'. OMG APPLE ZING.

People are going to bend these phones.

18.45 Payment options through Samsung Pay, an all new VR headset for the phones - but it's good to see that Samsung is just chatting about how good looking the phone is. That's what people need to think about this phone.

18.44 Samsung keeps calling these the most advanced phones in the world. Given the spec list, I'm inclined to agree.

Samsung Galaxy S6

18.41 Here's everything you need to know about the new phones:

18.40 Another interesting move: the S6 and Edge can connect to either wireless charging standard. Nifty.

18.38 JK Shin is holding the curved Edge version, not the S6. That's interesting. He's saying that 'nobody else can match' what Samsung has done.

18.37 There's a massive cacaphony about the new phone on stage now. They just showed the end of the phone. It looks like an iPhone.

The S6 Edge is getting the bigger applause here. And it should. It's a Space Phone.

18.35 He sounds a bit apologetic for what's gone on in the past. 'Some companies set themselves apart in design, some in terms of practicality. People want both.'

Why haven't you done it then, Samsung? Luckily the S6 has actually made the Galaxy range look good.

Samsung Galaxy S6

18.34 JK Shin is on stage - he's telling us that the whole thing is new, that the philosophy at Samsung is amazing. Relentless innovation.

He just made a great joke: "I might not be the best public speaker, but that's because my first language is engineering."

18.30 It's only everything you need to know about the new phones - the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge are here.

18.29 Wait... what's all this coming?

18.27 We're all pretty clued up on what's going to come in a few minutes - but a few question marks remain. Will it be the S Edge or S6 Edge? Waterproof? MicroSD? Tiny battery? WHO KNOWS.

Probably Samsung, thinking about it.

18.25 T-Minus 5 minutes. Just a cheeky copy and pasted reminder to berate me for the awful coverage over on@superbeav... or @techradar if you want to complain directly to the bosses.

18.18 Those that were here for HTC One M9 live blog will be saddened to know we've not been contacted by Anna Kendrick's people to give her opinion on the new phones.

I've not given up hope though.

The sun is shining, the birds are out, and we're drowning under a pile of smartphones and caffeine tablets in the biggest exhibition hall known to humans. Yes, we're back in Barcelona for MWC 2015.

It's set to be another stonker, but as usual it's Samsung that's trying to steal the headlines. It's gearing up for the launch of the Galaxy S6 and possibly a curvier S6 Edge too.

Expectation are high for the big S, following months of leaks, rumours and speculation surroundings its new phones. Can it deliver a titan flagship for 2015? Will the Edge have, well, the edge over the S6? Does anyone even want three displays?

All of these burning questions are soon to be answered, and we'll be bringing you all the news as it breaks. So keep an eye on this live blog as we'll be updating live from Samsung's Unpacked conference on Sunday March 1 at 17:30 GMT/9:30 PST.

  • Everything else going down at MWC 2015 this year (spoiler alert: there's quite a lot)

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Ikea is going to turn your home into one big wireless charger

Ikea is going to turn your home into one big wireless charger

We're not yet living in the tangle-free world we were promised, but as wireless charging begins to finally take off, the fantasy isn't far from reach.

With that in mind, Ikea, master of ready-to-assemble furniture, is about to introduce a new collection of furnishings that will seamlessly integrate wireless charging into the house.

Starting April, Ikea will begin to roll out a new series of furniture including bedside tablets, desks and lamps that will double up as charging spots using the Qi standard.

"We have created smart wireless solutions so you don't need to see the cables anymore. Many products can be charged at the same time, but you still have a beautiful wireless home", said Ikea designer David Wahl.

Ikea's tech-powered ranged will launch in Europe and the US to start, with a global rollout to follow. While it will go a long way in ensuring our homes are ready for the age of wires-free charging, it should also (more importantly) give smartphone makers an extra nudge of encouragement towards killing wires once and for all.

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New Moto E combines speedy 4G with a great price

New Moto E combines speedy 4G with a great price

Right on time, Motorola's mystery box has arrived, but you get no points for guessing the contents: a new Moto E.

Motorola's E has been updated for 2015, packing in 4G and Android Lollipop 5.02, the latest version of Google's OS, for an affordable price of £109/$119.

The screen has also been boosted to 4.5 inches (still 960 x 540) and the CPU up to a quad-core at 1.2GHz. The updated phone also offers 8GB, 4GB better than the last model.

The build feels robust but not cheap - you're obviously not getting a design that quite matches the Moto X, but it's not far off.

The phone goes on sale today, and we'll update with more info and impressions as we have them.

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There wasn’t a ‘massive’ theft of SIM data, but 2G users may have been affected

There wasn't a 'massive' theft of SIM data, but 2G users may have been affected

We recently reported that Gemalto, the world's largest SIM card maker, may have been the target of a hacking operation by spy agencies. The result was that billions people's calls, texts and emails could have potentially been monitored.

Today, Gemalto has come out and said that a 'massive' intrusion did not take place, but that an operation of a smaller scale by NSA and GCHQ "probably happened".

According to Gemalto, this attempt to intercept only breached the office networks and "could not have resulted in a massive theft of SIM encryption keys".

The company added that intelligence services would only be able to spy on 2G networks as "3G and 4G networks are not vulnerable to this type of attack."

Hacked off

In 2010 Gemalto noticed "suspicious activity" from a third party that was trying to spy on its office network, however the company says it took immediate action to counter this.

According to Gemalto, it had deployed a "secure transfer system" at that time which meant even spying on 2G networks would have been very difficult, and 3G and 4G networks impossible.

"Gemalto will continue to monitor its networks and improve its processes," the company added. "We do not plan to communicate further on this matter unless a significant development occurs."

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As Apple Pay takes off, Google has a plan to win over your wallet

As Apple Pay takes off, Google has a plan to win over your wallet

Despite being around since 2011, Google Wallet has struggled to achieve a significant uptake. To make matters worse, Apple Pay launched late last year and has already proven more popular. So what now, Google?

The plan, according to a new report by The Wall Street Journal, is to launch Google Wallet 2.0. The revamped service will be revealed at Google I/O in May and

However, we're also told that Google has had a tough time of getting third parties involved. In response the search giant has offered a larger piece of the revenue to certain potential partners.

Google reckons it will be able to push up the price of ads, and carriers would be able to share the spoils.

But while Google is beavering away with its wallet plans, Samsung is also getting in on the party. The company just bought mobile payments platform LoopPay and is expected to roll out its Apple Pay competitor with the Galaxy S6 next month.

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