Allo is a new messaging service that takes advantage of Google Photos

Eric Kay, Director of Engineering, announced a new messaging app called Allo. It focuses on letting you express yourself in a messaging situation while making it secure and smart with the Google Assistant.You connect with your phone contacts and talk with your friends through texts, lots of custom-made stickers and a little something called “WhisperShout”. It’s a slider feature that can shrink or grow how your message will appear in the conversation — sorta like how you can hold the Like ...

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Google Spaces is an app for groupies to share stuff

If you’re not on Slack, HipChat, GroupMe, Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, SMS or email already and would like to bring some interesting pieces of media to a group you’re in, prepare yourself for what Google’s offering.It has introduced Spaces, an app that builds in Google Search, Chrome and

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T-Mobile looks to obsolete SMS with “Advanced Messaging” – but is it too late?

Updated 3:55pm ET to include statement from AT&T.A couple years ago, my younger, whipper-snappier self put a question to the masses: why were we still using traditional SMS text messaging? Given alternatives like Google Voice, iMessage, WhatsApp and the like, SMS seemed positively archaic with its 160-character limit and lack of rich messaging functions. Worse yet, wireless carriers were charging a lot for the privilege of using this outdated system, demanding upwards of $20 per month for ...

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