How the Apple Watch compares to Android Wear and Pebble

Today was the big day: Apple announced its smartwatch, unimaginatively named “Apple Watch”- not iWatch or  iTime, simply “Apple Watch”. Perhaps that’s the best summary of Apple Watch: unimaginative. While the rest of the world is losing its mind over Apple’s new timepiece, let’s take a minute, step back from the hype, and see how Apple’s new competitor stacks up against the already saturated smartwatch playing field.Features & Functionality

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Round is the new square: why circular smartwatches captivate us so

Back in “the day”, telephones were made up of a round speaker connected to a round microphone via a handle. To call someone, you picked up the “handset” from the “receiver” and “dialed” the number. The reason we still use that term today is because the apparatus for inputting our contact’s phone number was a round dial. You’d stick your finger in the hole that represented the number you wanted, rotate the dial until it stopped, pull out your finger, and wait while it returned back to the starting position.This wasn’t such a ...

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