Over 90 percent iPhones now run iOS 14

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iOS 14 was released last year, and within seven months of public introduction, the OS is running on over 90 percent of the iPhone models. The number comes from the latest analysis by a business analytics service company. Ahead of the iOS 15 release at WWDC 2021 event, iOS 14 is running on the majority of the devices. To recall, 81 percent of all iPhone models released in the previous four years were already running iOS 14 back in December. The number increased to 86 percent by late February, and now, in April, it is over 90 percent.

Mixpanel, a business analytics service company shared data that says that iOS 14 is now running on 90.44 percent of iPhones. The adoption rate is respectable, especially when the OS was released to the public in September last year. Further, the data shows that 5.07 percent of users are on iOS 13 while 4.49 percent of users are still on older operating systems. The numbers have been measured till April 5.

Mixpanel iOS 14
Via: Mixpanel

In December 2020, the Apple Developer website stated that 81 percent of all iPhone models and 75 percent of all iPad models released in the previous four years were running iOS 14 and iPadOS, respectively. Apple also said that iOS 14 adoption has increased to 86 percent and iPadOS adoption has increased to 84 percent as measured on February 24, 2021. Hence, the latest percentages are not surprising, despite them not coming straight from Apple.

As of now, Apple is rolling out iOS 14.5,  which was said to allow users to select a default music service for Siri requests, other than Apple Music. Later, Apple issued a clarification that it is false since iOS 14.5 doesn’t have a dedicated option to pick a default music service, unlike email and browser apps. As it was reported back then, the non-availability of this feature is likely to add a layer of friction that might keep users hooked to its Apple Music service.

The post Over 90 percent iPhones now run iOS 14 appeared first on Pocketnow.

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