Hello Moto: Motorola’s online store launching in Australia next week

Hello Moto: Motorola's online store launching in Australia next week

Traditionally, it's been kind of difficult to find official accessories for the Motorola Moto X Force in Australia, which is why Motorola has finally launched its own online store.

Just in time for the release of the Motorola Moto G4 and the upcoming 3rd generation Moto 360, Motorola's colourful new store will launch with a range of products on offer, including phones from its Moto G, Moto X and Moto E series' in various colours, 1st and 2nd gen Moto 360 watches, and a range of customisation accessories.

Though the site currently sends you to a number or external retailers, all products on the relaunched store will be sold directly by Motorola Australia, and will come with full warranty and product support.

Once launched, you'll be able to get to the store by heading to the Motorola Australia website and hitting the 'Shop Now' button on the homepage. Alternatively, you'll be able to find the product you're after and buy it from its product page.

The Moto Online Store will go live on Friday, July 15.

Google Calendar will help you achieve your goals – no excuses

Google Calendar will help you achieve your goals - no excuses

As part of Calendar's 10th anniversary celebrations, Google is rolling out a new feature to help you better achieve your goals.

It's called - appropriately - Goals and will help you easily pencil in the things you want to, whether it's going for a jog or calling a friend.

You can either pick one of Google's goal categories or customize your own, then Calendar will automatically drop them into open slots. For example, you could tell it you want to go swimming three times a week.

And if you schedule an event at the same as a planned "goal", Calendar will reschedule to another time it feels is appropriate. You can also defer goals as they come up, if you happen to be in the middle of something else.

Google promises that Calendar will get better at scheduling the more you use it. "Just defer, edit or complete your goals like normal, and Calendar will choose even better times in the future," it says.

Goals is currently rolling out to Calendar for Android and iOS around the world. If you don't see it yet, fret not - it'll arrive shortly.

VR headsets: which one is right for you?

YouTube : www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCgvPLAKJ4I

Instagram has quickly fixed the disappearing Log Out button

Instagram has quickly fixed the disappearing Log Out button

Update: Well, that didn't take too long - Instagram has released a new update which brings back the Log Out button that had dropped away for some users after its last iOS update a few days ago.

After you update to 7.19.1 version of Instagram, which is available now through the Apple App Store, The Log Out button should be back in the Settings menu where it has always lived.

Original article...

Some Instagram users have found themselves unable to log out or switch accounts following the latest iOS update.

The Log Out button usually appears at the bottom of the Options menu, which is accessed by tapping the cog icon at the top right of the profile screen. Instagram has said it is aware of the problem and a fix is currently being worked on.

We noticed the techradar account was locked after the update, and it only seems to only be affecting iOS at the moment.

"We're aware of an issue that's preventing some users from logging out or switching accounts," the Instagram account tweeted. "We're working on a fix."

We've asked Instagram for an update on where it is in the fixing process, and we'll update when we know more.

How to craft the perfect email signature

How to craft the perfect email signature

There's one thing that every email you originate should contain, and that's your email signature. Think of your signature as your final chance to grab someone's attention, but be aware that there's both good and bad attention.

A sloppy email signature or one that actively annoys will leave a bad last impression on anyone reading your email, whether it's the original recipient or anyone your email ends up being forwarded to.

Where to start

How to craft the perfect email signature

So how do you stand out? Firstly, while it's fine to inject a little personality into your email signoff, it's a very fine line before you topple straight over into either being too informal or downright casual. The standard "regards" may be a little stiff, but it's also safe for just about any email you might send.

Relevant details

How to craft the perfect email signature

Next consider what information about yourself you want to convey. Your full name is a given, as is any company or business name if it's a work email you're sending from. It's also fine to include methods of communication, but here less is arguably more.

If you list your email, phone, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and physical address, you're quickly overloading the recipient with information they may not care about, as well as bulking your email signature out by multiple lines. If you've carefully crafted a short and succinct email, do you want it ignored because your ten-line signature makes it seem like it's a lot of work to read?

Ideally, your signature should include your full or business name, your email address and a contact phone number at the minimum. There's some argument that says that email addresses are a little redundant if you're sending out an email in the first place, but the reality here is that the signature gives you another contact point for ongoing communication.

If you're after some kind of response from your email, it makes good sense to appear as approachable as feasible. Equally, many email clients can scrape this kind of information from emails seamlessly to build up contact lists.

Platform limitations

How to craft the perfect email signature

You've also got to be aware of mobile clients and data limitations, and that means that image-based signatures should be used sparingly, if at all. An image signature does give you complete control over the appearance of your signature, but some clients will strip out images on first load, especially on mobile clients.

If you absolutely must have an image signature, make sure you've got ALT text to convey the same information to cover all bases. Signatures should also ideally be kept under 80 characters in length per line, again because you can't control the screen size or layout of the recipient's email application.

How to be awesome at email

How to be awesome at email

How to be awesome at email

How to be awesome at email

Like it or not, email's the basis of a lot of our online communications, because it provides a reliable channel that's independent of services that may come or go over time. So how do you make the most of your email?

Get what you want out of email

How to be awesome at email

Unlike social media chatter, texting or even phone calls, an email has a level of permanence and, in many cases, serious attitude that other online communications media can struggle to convey.

As such before you actually start typing, consider what it is that you want out of the email. If it's just a forwarded joke it's probably not worth sending, but if you're trying to get information or action out of a secondary party, make that as clear as possible as quickly as possible. The emails that prevaricate are those that quickly get forgotten, especially if it's the first time you're contacting somebody.

(Image credit: Photo by Terry Presley/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

Subject lines

How to be awesome at email

Think of the subject line of your email as the advertising pitch. Ads are typically short and succinct, because they don't have much time to capture your attention. The same is exactly true of any email you send. Not every email will be read in full, but anyone with email will at least scan their inbox subject lines on a regular basis.

Brevity in subject lines is your friend, and that's a principle well worth applying to your emails generally. Make your subject short and punchy and it'll stand out, but resist the urge to put everything in all caps or with lots of unnecessary punctuation or anything that might embarrass or annoy you if it's forwarded on.

(Image credit: Photo by Cambodia4kids.org/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

When to send

How to be awesome at email

There's no absolute hard and fast rule on the "best" time to send emails, because it depends on both the content and the relationship between the sender and the recipient.

In a work environment, most people check their inboxes relatively early in the work day, so small and easily actionable items might be best addressed then, but you've got to weigh that against the fact that they'll be ploughing through potentially hundreds of other emails at the same time.

If you do have longer and more ponderous text to send, there's evidence that suggests they're more likely to be addressed later in the afternoon as people relax at work, although the same isn't true for weekends, where business email pickup rates tend to drop markedly, even in the smartphone always-connected world.

(Image credit: Photo by Alan Cleaver/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

What to put in your email

How to be awesome at email

Congratulations! Your subject line worked, and now your recipient is looking at your email itself. Here again, keeping things simple and succinct is your best bet to getting whatever you want out of your email.

If you're asking a question or requesting an action, put that front and centre of your email, because there's always the risk that your recipient's simply skimming their mail or is going to be distracted while reading. Plainly stating your case will more often than not lead to action on the recipient's part, whereas blathering on will lose them quickly. Remember, there's probably a hundred or more other emails to attend to along with yours.

Even though broadband connections have improved markedly in recent years, it's still a good idea to limit the number of attachments you send via email. Some inbox setups will simply reject attachments over a certain size, but even if you squeak in under that limit, you've got no control over where your recipient will access their email.

It may be on their fast home or office connection, but equally they could be using a flaky mobile connection that's costing them for every KB of data and only drip feeding data due to user saturation of the network. When in doubt, use an online storage service such as Dropbox for any large attachments, so that your recipient can access large files as and when they need them. They'll appreciate the gesture, and you'll make a better impression with your email as a result.

(Image credit: Photo by Blake Burkhart/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

Sending fields

How to be awesome at email

Everyone understands what the To: field in an email is for, because it serves the same function as the addresses we used to put on the outside of physical envelopes. Go beyond that, however, and confusion and mistakes reign supreme.

Firstly, there's CC, short for "Carbon Copy". It's intended for secondary email recipients with the core idea being that you're alerting an additional party as to the nature of your discussion. The classic example here would be if you're discussing a work project with a colleague and you want to alert your manager that the project is being covered in a particular way, because it creates a digital paper trail and awareness.

The thing is that every single mail client will allow you to put multiple email addresses in either the "To:" or "CC:" fields. Strictly speaking, the To: field should be for those who you want to get direct action from with regards to your email subject, but it's not always treated that way.

(Image credit: Photo by RaHuL Rodriguez/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

Don't hit recall!

How to be awesome at email

Some email systems do offer a "recall" function, but this is essentially redundant in most cases, because it relies on both ends of the email chain having the same client and server environment, typically Microsoft Exchange and Outlook.

The moment anyone's accessing email via another client, all a recall will do is send a message requesting a recall of the original email. All this really does is point out in bright shiny letters that you've made some sort of mistake. It's arguably better etiquette to send an immediate apology message for something sent in error than a machine-generated one.

One trick that can help you if you find inadvertent emails worrying you is to set up a rule in your email client of choice delaying sending of any given email for a minute or two after you hit the "send" button. That gives you some breathing time to consider the message, read over it again and then cancel it before it ever leaves your outbox.

The one exception however is Gmail which has officially introduced a new 'Undo Send' feature to its web interface.

When & how to reply

How to be awesome at email

There's a secondary, larger problem with CC, however, and it's one that emerges when you've got a large group to send to or expect replies from. Putting an email address in either the To: or CC: field exposes them to every party that gets the email, as well as putting them in the direct line of every single reply that uses "Reply to all".

If a lengthy email conversation erupts between two people on the CC: field and one persistently uses "Reply to All", you're quickly awash in dozens of emails with no relevance to you, as well as a growing crowd of annoyed recipients. It's the single most common breach of simple email etiquette, but thankfully the solution is quite simple.

So when should you use the Reply to All function? When you're certain that your response needs to be seen and/or actioned by everyone in the To: and CC: fields. If that's not the case, use a simple reply to the original sender only, or edit out those whose input or awareness of your reply isn't needed.

(Image credit: Photo by AJCI/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

The power of BCC

How to be awesome at email

The BCC: (for Blind Carbon Copy) field allows you to add addresses that you want to loop into a particular email in the same way that you might add to a To: or CC: field. There's a key difference, however, because BCC: keeps the list of those in the BCC: field completely invisible except to the sender.

Even those in the To: field don't see the BCC: recipients. This allows for a very simple communication loop that stops those who might not want or need followup emails if you simply put your own email address in the To: field, and every other recipient in the BCC: field.

Every recipient will simply get your email, you'll get a confirmation copy first up to make sure it's not been lost in the winding corridors of the Internet, and you're not exposing anyone else's email address at the same time.

(Image credit: Photo by Stuart Richards/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

Applebot could be the start of an Apple search engine

Applebot could be the start of an Apple search engine

Apple and Google seemingly compete in almost every area, with smartphones, mapping, operating systems, web browsers and more offered up by each company, but as yet Apple hasn't tried to take on Google's search engine.

It might have plans to though, as it's added a new page to its support site detailing a web crawler dubbed Applebot.

Web crawlers are used for web indexing and as such are key to any search engine and this is the first time Apple has confirmed that it has one of its own.

Siri-ous searching

According to Apple it's used by Siri and Spotlight Suggestions among other products, rather than them just routing queries through existing search engines as was previously assumed.

Of course Apple using an in-house web crawler for its existing services is a far cry from it launching a full-fledged search engine, but it's always a possibility, especially as a deal between Apple and Google which makes Google's search engine the default option in Safari is set to expire soon and Apple has previously posted a job advert relating to 'Apple Search.'

So will an Apple search engine debut with the next version of iOS or OS X? Probably not, but it would give Apple and Google one more area to compete in, which is something they seem to enjoy doing.

Boxing match piracy causes Twitter bout

Boxing match piracy causes Twitter bout

Periscope has only been operational for a little over a month and understandably the 100 million dollar newborn is still finding its feet. But there is one area that the live streaming service is already excelling in: piracy.

The boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao cost between $90 and $100 to watch live and brought in over 400 million dollars for the content's owners: Showtime and HBO.

Though the fight had a staggeringly high revenue, it also had a large volume of pirated live streams through the Periscope app.

Mashable reported that the fight had hundreds of Periscope streams and that some popular individual channels peaked at over 10,000 viewers.

Pirates take over Periscope's ship

This sporting phenomenon was popular on Twitter with the winner taking out over 3.4 million mentions in tweets on Sunday.

But Twitter's ownership of Periscope and the large volume of pirated live-streams put the company between two conflicting objectives, which was evident in some tweets by Twitter and Periscope employees.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo commented "And the winner is… @Periscopeco" following the broadcast and one of Twitter's venture investors Chris Sacca posted "Periscope won by a knockout".

The representatives tweets provoked backlash, with some comments suggesting that the company would suffer from boasting about its profit at others expense.

Considering this is Periscope's second second run in with HBO in as many weeks – there was a similar piracy problem with the latest Game of Thrones episode – Periscopers penchant for piracy may negatively affect Twitters business relationships in the future.