Samsung breaks quarterly profit records yet again, mostly thanks to chips and high-end phones

Samsung made more money between January and March 2018 than ever before, specifically around $14.5 billion in operating profit, but no thanks to the iPhone X.

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Samsung breaks quarterly profit records yet again, mostly thanks to chips and high-end phones

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Samsung made more money between January and March 2018 than ever before, specifically around $14.5 billion in operating profit, but no thanks to the iPhone X.

The post Samsung breaks quarterly profit records yet again, mostly thanks to chips and high-end phones appeared first on Pocketnow.

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Samsung officially forecasts rising profits for Q1 2017, nearly breaking all-time records

Even with the Galaxy Note 7 out of the picture, the Galaxy S8 not yet released and the S7 getting a bit long in the tooth, Samsung made a boatload of money.

The post Samsung officially forecasts rising profits for Q1 2017, nearly breaking all-time records appeared first on Pocketnow.