Top 5 games for Windows Phone (Video)

Mobile gaming … isn’t for everyone. But for those who enjoy it, rest assured, Windows Phone is not the ghost town it once was for platformers, puzzle games, and even 3D action games. Although the selection isn’t quite as broad as we’d like, some of the most popular titles on Android and iOS have been officially developed for Windows Phone. We did some digging, ...

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Google Nexus 5 photos, Samsung 64-bit flagship, Nokia surprise & more – Pocketnow Daily

Watch today’s Pocketnow Daily as we talk about lots of Nokia rumors, including Lumia 1520 specs, Nokia Sirius specs, and even a possible Nokia surprise for tomorrow. We then talk about Microsoft and a possible voice assitant in the works for Windows Phone 8 called Cortana. Then we go through Samsung’s project of a 64-bit processor for their next flagship smartphone. HTC follows with the news of a golden HTC One that could reach the market soon. We end today’s show talking about the LG Nexus 5 and the photos that just leaked at the FCC. All this and more after the break. ...

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Nokia Lumia 1520 phablet tipped to have big ol’ battery

Nokia’s anticipated Lumia 1520 will be the biggest Windows Phone handset to date; there’s little argument there. With a six-inch display, likely to take advantage of the upcoming WP8 support for 1080p resolutions in GDR3, this phablet stands to dwarf the rest of the platform’s lineup. Besides just offering more screen space, big devices like this also have the luxury of there being that much more room for a jumbo-sized battery – just look at Samsung with its Galaxy Note series, moving up in each iteration from a ...

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Huawei not scared-off by Microsoft’s Nokia acquisition

Microsoft’s recent announcement that it would be acquiring Nokia’s smartphone division left us simultaneously encouraged and concerned about the future of Windows Phone as a platform. Sure, this might lead to the development of some killer Lumia devices, but what effect would it have on the platform’s diversity? Would companies that haven’t lately seemed too keen about their WP8 lineups – manufacturers like Samsung – see the coming threat of direct competition against Microsoft and just wipe ...

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Nokia has a “surprise” coming tomorrow; should we be excited?

Based on all the rumors we’ve been hearing, Nokia has quite a few devices in its pipeline; in fact, we were only just telling you about launch plans for the Lumia 1520, and new talk about a dual-SIM Lumia 720. But while that most recent 1520 gossip claimed that the phone would launch on September 26, we’re now wondering what the company might have planned for tomorrow, instead, as it posts a teaser message to Twitter. Nokia announces that it has a surprise to share tomorrow, and mentions it wants its followers to ...

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Is this the upcoming Windows Phone Notification Center?

A Windows Phone Notification Center has been long-rumored and almost confirmed by Microsoft; despite some users claiming there is absolutely no need for one, we strongly disagree. We have recently seen leaks claiming that it will be part of the upcoming GDR3 update, but there’s no way of knowing, at the moment, whether we’re looking at GDR3, Windows Phone 8.1 (or a fake). As you can see in the image above, we’re looking at a Live Tile called “Notifications” that ...

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AT&T drops price of the Nokia Lumia 1020 to just $199

As much as we all either love or want Nokia’s powerhouse camera with a phone, or what some know as the Lumia 1020, we also know that a lot of you find the price after a contract to be a barrier. In a market where every other flagship with a more-populare operating system is retailed for $100 less, it’s clear that the competitive grounds give people reasons to think again about Nokia’s offering. The great thing is that competition is always something that benefits consumers. You can now pick-up the Nokia Lumia 1020 on AT&T for just $199 after a two-year contract, and ...

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Lumia 1520 image gallery leaks: check out Nokia’s WP8 phablet

Leaks have been coming fast and furious for the Nokia Lumia 1520, expected to be released as the first full-blown Windows Phone 8 phablet. In just over a week, we’ve gone from our first glimpse of the hardware, to leaked screenshots, and even a press render. Today we get to see things stepped up a notch, with a whole load of new ...

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Pocketnow Weekly 060: IFA 2013, Live from Berlin!

We’ve been bringing you our best quality mobile-tech podcast once a week for over a year now, and we’re not about to break that streak on one of the biggest tech weeks of the year. Sure, we might’ve missed our usual Wednesday/Thursday time slot, and we might’ve even technically missed the weekend dividing line, depending on what time zone you’re in – but you know what? We’ve just capped off four days of intense video coverage with a midnight podcast from one of the most echo-filled hotel rooms in all of Berlin, and we’re uploading it through ...

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Nokia Lumia 625 hands-on (Video)

Despite being announced on July 23 by the now Microsoft-acquired Nokia, we couldn’t help but shoot just one more hands-on video as yesterday’s IFA festivities wound down here in Berlin – this time with the Lumia 625, a mid-range Windows Phone that’s nearly as appealing as its flagship siblings. The Nokia Lumia 625 packs a 4.7 inch WVGA display with a PPI rating of 201. Nokia’s Lumia Amber updates spruce up ...

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Nokia Lumia 1520 press render leaks

It’s only been just over a week since we heard the name Lumia 1520, but the phablet, previously known by codename Bandit, has just been blowing up in leaks and rumors lately. We saw an early shot of what sure looked like it might be the hardware itself, and then got to check out a screen grab sourced from the phone, detailing how ...

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New Windows Phone 8.1 build numbers spotted as development continues

Microsoft’s well on its way to releasing Windows 8.1 for computers and tablets, and we’ve already heard that the software has been released to OEMs to get them started on preparing for its public launch. On the smartphone side, we’ve been tracking similar progress towards the development of Windows Phone 8.1, as revealed by evidence in logs. Back in June, we caught wind of one of these new builds, 8.10.12076.0, and after looking around a little more, found signs of build numbers going as high as 8.10.12079. ...

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Skype for Windows Phone 8 now offers video messaging

One of the biggest ironies in tech is definitely the relationship between Skype and Windows Phone. Both software services are owned by Microsoft, and yet it seems that Skype is more inclined to provide its new features to iOS and Android users before they bring the goods to Windows Phone customers. Yes, that doesn’t mean that Windows Phone users are left out in the cold about anything, but it is annoying to be last when users of the Microsoft OS shouldn’t be. Starting today you can upgrade your

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Nokia Lumia 1520 “Bandit” appears to deliver leaked screenshot

Talk of a phablet-sized Nokia Lumia phone goes back years. For the longest time, it was more in the realm of wishful thinking, but over the past several months, as we’ve seen a new wave of Lumia hardware arrive, the idea that Nokia might finally be ready to release such a phone really started gaining traction. Sure, there were some early looks that seemed pretty fake, but more recently we’ve been seeing support for the idea of a phablet-sized Lumia 1520, under ...

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Did Microsoft just tease a Nokia smartwatch design?

By now, you’ve no doubt heard the big news from overnight, with Microsoft finally giving validity to the long-standing rumors and announcing its acquisition of Nokia. This shake-up will have ripples felt far throughout the Windows Phone world – how will the other OEMs react? – and maybe even shift the trajectory for the platform to come. Both Nokia and Microsoft have been releasing plenty of statements about the news, hoping to answer our questions and address our concerns, but part of what’s been ...

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