Epic Games is hosting a FreeFortnite Cup on August 23 targeted squarely at Apple

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To say that Epic Games is not pulling any punches in its fight against Apple over the Fortnite row is an understatement. After filing a lawsuit, mocking an iconic Apple ad and CEO Tim Sweeney’s scathing remarks against Apple, Epic Games is now hosting the FreeFortnite Cup on August 23 that offers a lot of prizes “and one bad apple.”

Epic Games claims that with the FreeFortnite Cup, it is offering players an opportunity to win more prizes than ever before including the new Tart Tycoon Outfit, gaming hardware, and exclusive apparel. The most eye-catching prize is, of course, the Tart Tycoon Outfit which looks like a well-dressed villain whose head is an Apple. In case you’re wondering, you can join the event irrespective of the platform you’re playing the game on.

The Tart Tycoon Outfit

Aside from the cheeky outfit, Epic Games is also giving away consoles, gaming laptops, smartphones and other merch to players. Winners will be decided based on the number of points they score, which in turn is calculated on the basis of eliminations, victories and the amount of time they stay alive in the battle royale mode.

The FreeFortnite Cup is more like a swansong for iOS users who will be unable to enjoy Season 4 of Fortnite Chapter 2 when it releases on August 27, unless the feud between Epic Games and Apple is resolved. You can read about all the rules for Freefortnite Cup here.

Source: Epic Games

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