Google and LG bring the future of VR closer by co-developing 18MP OLED display

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Google and LG have a common goal, working together on a crazy sharp VR OLED display with a record-breaking 1443 ppi count and 120 x 96 field of view.

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LCD iPhone could use LG G7 ThinQ’s Super Bright Display

Apple contracts with LG Display to import LCDs for use on its iPhones. With the latest LG smartphone, there's a new LCD product on the block that Apple could also utilize.

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LG G7 ThinQ brings more noise, more screen, more AI

The speakers sound like a Boombox, the screen is actually a Super Bright Display and the AI CAM is more intelligent than ever before. LG officially makes the hard sell to consumers on the LG G7 ThinQ.

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