You can already buy the perfect smartphone

Not long ago our own Anton D. Nagy told us “there’s no such thing as a perfect smartphone”. He’s absolutely right — and completely wrong. I, like Tony, have a stack of smartphones that I can call upon at any given time. Some have HD screens. Some have LTE. Some have removable batteries. Some can accept SD cards. Some have a slide-out keyboard. Some include a high-end camera. What none of them have is a perfect combination of everything. None of the smartphones I own has everything. Each is always ...

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Anton Thinks: there’s no such thing as a perfect smartphone, yet

…they’re all good, and they all suck, at the same time. Wait, what? Let me explain! I am lucky to have a rather impressive collection of devices, mostly because of my addiction, and also because it just so happens that I do this for work. Lucky me, I can always opt for the perfect smartphone for every situation, knowing the pros and the cons of each. You might not be so lucky. If you are, chances are you’re doing the same thing I am. Shuffling phones depending on what you do, where, and for how long. I always choose the iPhone 5 when I go outside to shoot some pictures in bright, ...

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