Fortnite to arrive on Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 with cross-gen progression in tow

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Epic Games’ moneymaker, Fortnite, will arrive on the next-gen consoles – PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X – when they debut later this year. And just to be clear, this is not a new version of Fortnite, but the same game that has been optimized to take advantage of the powerful hardware packed inside Sony and Microsoft’s upcoming consoles.

What improvements exactly? Well, Epic Games has not revealed any specific details, aside from a vague explanation that “performance and visuals” will be better on the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. This is to be expected, since the new version of Fortnite for the aforementioned consoles will be based on the freshly-announced Unreal Engine 5.

And in case you’re wondering, Epic Games says all progression and items will be carried over console generations and platforms you are playing on. Also, the studio has promised that it will support cross-play across all platforms (including current and next-generation consoles), aside from continued support for Fortnite on all older consoles and platforms.

Source: Epic Games

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