IFA 2014 wrap-up: we came, we saw, they launched

Has it been a week already? Last Monday we were still gearing-up for IFA 2014, preparing ourselves for the torrent of phone, tablet, and wearable news that would consumer our lives for the days to come. We had high expectations going in, having heard no shortage of rumors for what new products would be on the expo floor, and that’s not even touching upon the many launches we saw in the weeks leading up to the conference, from manufacturers too ...

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Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2 tipped to bring some much needed updates

Windows Phone 8.1 has already proven to bring Microsoft’s mobile operating system to the level it needed in order to compete with other platforms. The updates that were added with Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 brought even more needed features, but it’s clear that ...

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Microsoft promotes IFA Lumia launches with a selfie

Microsoft’s IFA 2014 event is scheduled for this Thursday, when we expect to see the company debut the latest Lumia smartphones, including the 730/735 and 830. We’ve spotted this hardware before in numerous leaks, and Microsoft’s early teasers sure seemed to reinforce that what we’d been hearing and seeing was on-point; its initial invite both alluded to the front-facing camera prowess rumored for the Lumia 730 and depicted the rear camera we know from Lumia 830 leaks. With only a few ...

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T-Mobile throws its hat in the HTC One M8 for Windows ring

Coming up to HTC’s launch of the One M8 for Windows earlier this month, we thought we were looking at a Verizon exclusive. At least, that’s where all the evidence seemed to be pointing, and when the time came for the handset to go official, HTC was calling Verizon its “exclusive launch partner.” But the thing about a smartphone exclusive, versus a launch exclusive like we have here, is that the latter leaves the door open for other carriers to pick up the handset a little further down ...

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HTC One M8 for Windows vs Nokia Lumia Icon (Video)

For Verizon customers, it’s the Windows Phone question of the year: Lumia Icon or One M8 for Windows? Both phones offer premium builds and powerful internals, both run

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IFA 2014 Rumor Roundup: what we plan to see in Berlin next week

Who’s ready for a little Funkausstellung? We’re about a week away from the start of IFA 2014, where mobile device manufacturers from all around the world will descend on Berlin to show off their newest products. The F in IFA –Funkausstellung– may translate as “radio show,” but the expo has evolved far beyond its early audio roots to feature the very latest in smartphones, tablets, and wearables. The Pocketnow team will be on the ground in Germany to share with you everything IFA 2014 has to deliver (or at ...

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I want Windows Phone, not watered down Android

 Windows phone has gotten a lot of great updates lately. We’ve seen things like Cortana, folders on the start screen, backgrounds. Windows Phone 8.1 has been written about often and the theme is always the same. It really brings Windows Phone up to par with its current competitors – iOS and Android. Which is really great. It’s nice to not have features so obviously missing from your phone’s operating system. It’s great that new smartphone buyers can now consider Windows Phone as a legitimate option when out shopping for smartphones. But with Windows Phone 8.1 comes a number ...

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What if the Lumia 830 is Microsoft’s Nexus?

“What do you need most in a smartphone?”That is always my answer to anyone who asks me which smartphone they should buy. People assume that because I review smartphones for a living and have played with most of the new models, I have all the answers and automagically know which smartphone they should purchase at any given time, right off the top of my head.I don’t. Everyone needs something different. Maybe you need something with a larger screen for watching movies, browsing the web, or gaming. I know my sister wants something smaller, since she has rather petite hands, ...

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HTC One M8 for Windows review: just what it says on the tin

There was a time when the name “HTC” was synonymous with “Windows Mobile.” The two were so intertwined during the latter half of the last decade that, no matter what form factor or Windows version you needed, you could find an HTC-badged smartphone to suit you.Then came the great Windows reboot of 2010, wherein Microsoft completely reinvented its mobile platform to better compete with iOS and Android. HTC’s efforts with the new Windows Phone 7 were at first

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With the One M8 for Windows, how likely is dual-booting?

I remember how free I felt the first time I dabbled in alternative operating systems on my old family PC.After growing tired of using Windows Vista, I started looking around and asking friends what I should do. One suggested trying Windows XP Black Edition, a hacked version of XP, and another suggested trying various builds of Linux. Ultimately, I gave Ubuntu a try.I never looked back. From that day, I stopped using Windows. It felt incredible to load whatever software I wanted onto my hardware.

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Huawei says Tizen has “no chance to be successful”

Tizen just can’t seem to get off the ground when it comes to smartphones. Sure, Samsung’s put the platform inside its consumer electronics, and the OS powers the majority of the company’s smartwatches, but a Tizen smartphone continues to elude us. Sure, we saw the Samsung Z go official a couple months back, but the phone’s

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Lumia 830 gets pictured in official government certification

The various government agencies around the world that certify electronics for operation within their respective borders can be a smartphone fan’s best friends. When we’re tracking a new model, after months and months of rumors and unverifiable leaks, agencies like the FCC or China’s TENAA often bring us the first really confirmed information about new phones. Sure, sometimes we don’t get more than a list of bands, or maybe a wireframe outline and some measurements, but occasionally we ...

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Skype gets smart about notifications on multiple devices

If you’re anything like us, staying connected means a lot more than simply carrying around a smartphone. Once the mobile device bug gets you and the gadget-lust takes hold, it’s easy to find yourself packing a tablet, a smartwatch, and maybe even a backup phone or two. But juggling multiple devices can be tricky when we’re dealing with online services, with them never really sure where to contact us – and instead, that means getting the same notification on multiple devices. But now

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HTC One M8 for Windows coming to AT&T

When the HTC One M8 for Windows went official this morning, many breathed a sigh of frustration upon hearing that the handset would be exclusive to Verizon Wireless’s cellular network here in the United States. But information out of AT&T this evening suggests that this exclusive won’t be around for too long, as the carrier has confirmed that it will be stocking

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HTC One M8 for Windows unboxing and hands-on (Video)

HTC, Microsoft, and Verizon came together this morning to announce one of the most high-profile Windows Phone handsets we’ve heard about in a while, the One M8 for Windows. We’ve already taken an in-depth look at this release, comparing its hardware against the cream of the WP crop, talked about

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