Nokia Lumia 1520 price, availability rumored for AT&T

There was initially, according to rumors, supposed to be a late-September event where Nokia was supposed to show off its upcoming Lumia 1520 phablet. Then reports started landing from all over that said event might have been postponed — to October 22 — which turned out to be a date on which Nokia is indeed planning something. Now, according to a recent report, the Lumia 1520 will be landing on AT&T’s line-up on a certain Friday, November 8. Unnamed sources also claim ...

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Google Nexus 5 dates, Quickoffice goes free, Microsoft admits defeat & more – Pocketnow Daily

Watch today’s Pocketnow Daily as we talk about HP’s introduction of a couple of new Android tablets running on Tegra 4 hardware. Microsoft is next as Steve Ballmer discusses the reality of Windows Phone 8, the Surface, and other flops, even though we also have some hot leaks of Windows Phone 8.1 as well. Google is next as the company has now made their Quickoffice service free for all Android and iOS customers. Then we talk about the Moto X going affordable on Republic Wireless, which also makes the plan for it affordable. We end today’s show talking about the Nexus 5, ...

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Microsoft talks Surface resistance, low market share, and Nokia deal

Today, Microsoft’s annual Financial Analyst Meeting took place, and as company execs talked about investment, performance, and the future, we’ve been hearing a few scattered news reports on topics relevant to us and our mobile focus. Steve Ballmer may be on the way out, but today he was in old form at the shareholder meeting. He offered some surprisingly frank comments on Windows Phone’s inability to grab a substantial chunk of the market, but doesn’t think that means the platform is dead, saying, ...

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Eight weeks with Windows Phone 8: thoughts on the third OS

When I entered the AT&T store on July 26, I wasn’t totally convinced I would keep the Lumia 1020 for more than a few days. I wanted to try the camera out for myself, but I had expressed by lack of faith in Windows Phone several times here on the site. To date, I’ve tried Windows Phone more times than I can count on my fingers, and every time the result was effectively the same: the software was kind of boring and the app situation was awful. The painstakingly slow resume times were fixed in the last few ...

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More Windows Phone 8.1 leaks, GDR3 rumors surface

GDR3, the update to arrive after GDR2, as well as Windows Phone 8.1, have been subject to a lot of rumors, leaks, and speculation, over the past couple of weeks. Today we’re getting Windows Phone 8.1 leaks, new information, from a Twitter leakster that claims knowledge of things to come. The image above claims to depict the upcoming status bar of Windows Phone, with slightly rearranged icons, as well as the addition of new ones. There will be two sets of icons, grouped, depending on whether they’re connectivity or system-related. Two things worth noting here: the roaming icon ...

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Nokia teases Lumia 1520 announcement for October 22

Update: It just came to our attention that October 22 translates to 1022. Could this be a Lumia 1022? …and, if yes, what would it be? The Lumia 1520? A carrier flavor of the 1020? Speculate on in the comments! Just as we heard more and more rumors concerning a possible delay in Nokia’s Lumia 1520 announcement, the recently Microsoft-acquired Finnish phone maker has just posted a teaser on its Twitter which falls nicely in place with all the rumors and reports we’ve been ...

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New report claims Lumia 1520 launch delayed

The Nokia Lumia 1520 will, if everything goes according to leaks, be the first Windows Phone-powered phablet, a device with a rather large screen that we’ve seen leaked, rumored, mentioned, etc. a lot in the past couple of weeks. Rumor had it that Nokia was supposed to launch this phone at a late-September New York event but on Sunday we’ve heard the first report claiming the event was delayed. Now Reuters is chiming in on the matter, citing its own, anonymous sources close to the ...

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New tipster offers Windows Phone 8.1 Blue screenshots, info

By the look of things, we’re only a few weeks away from the arrival of the first smartphones running Windows Phone 8 GDR3, bringing those features like 1080p and quad-core SoC support that we’ve been expecting for a while now. Even further out, we’ve been anticipating the launch of Windows Phone 8.1, which has popped up in rumors from time to time as Microsoft’s codename Blue. Today we get to see some new ...

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Nokia Lumia 1520 retail availability targeted in latest rumors

Nokia’s rumored launch plans for the Lumia 1520 found themselves getting a bit of a shake-up recently, with the idea of a September 26 announcement apparently ditched in favor of an October 20 event, instead. That delay doesn’t sound like good news for anyone eagerly awaiting to see what a Windows Phone phablet will be like, but the big issue’s not going to be when Nokia goes public with the 1520, but when those Lumia fans will actually be able to ...

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Nokia Lumia 920 GDR3 pictured?

Last week we’ve seen a leaked image that was allegedly showing off the upcoming Notification Center on Windows Phone. There’s a Live Tile and an asterisk on the top right. In the image above, the asterisk is replaced with either a down arrow or a checkmark, which could lead to speculations that this is another sighting of the upcoming feature. The device pictured is claimed to be a Lumia 920 and, as you can see, it is running a version of Windows Phone which allows for an extra row ...

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More Nokia Lumia 1520 pictures leaked, not coming in September after all

Yesterday we’ve seen an alleged picture of the back of a white Nokia-made Windows Phone, believed to be either the Lumia 1520, or a special model for Verizon based off of the upcoming phablet from Finland. Today, a couple of other shots of the giant phone surface, but not before a bit of info concerning its alleged unveiling: apparently, we’re no longer looking at September 26, but next month, with October 20 being a strong candidate. The report claims the announcement was pushed back; that, ...

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White Verizon Nokia Lumia 1520 allegedly spotted

The rumored Nokia Lumia 1520 phablet, which Nokia really doesn’t want to call a phablet, has been rumored and leaked all over the place in the past couple of weeks. Rumor has it that we’ll see it at the September 26 New York event, with a rather large battery. While we’ve previously seen it in a leaked render

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Is Nokia worried about people calling the Lumia 1520 a “phablet?”

If the rumors we’ve heard are true, we’re only a couple weeks away from Nokia announcing the Lumia 1520, the first phablet-sized Windows Phone model to arrive. At least, that seems to be the best way to describe this behemoth with its six-inch display, but Nokia doesn’t sound so sure. Apparently the company’s very nervous about the word “phablet,” or at least that’s the impression some of its feedback surveys have been creating. ...

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Nokia insiders reveal: company had Android running on Lumia models

Nokia may have been late to the Windows Phone game, but its first wave of WP7 handsets definitely got the attention of a lot of smartphone fans. By the time we started seeing WP8 models arrive, Nokia had refined its designs and was producing some really interesting handsets with very compelling features, as well as some at attractive price points. Problem was, for plenty of people who might otherwise be interested in a Lumia phone, Nokia appeared firmly committed to Windows Phone, a platform struggling to find its footing. Cries rang out wishing that

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HP rumored to produce Windows Phone handset

HP doesn’t quite seem to know what to do about smartphones these days. It has a storied history with them, releasing Windows Mobile models (like the iPAQ 210, above) before getting into webOS. Since the shuttering of that platform, though, we’ve wondered what the future might hold for HP phones. Certainly, we’ve seen Android tablets from the company, but rumors from earlier this summer of an HP Android phone ultimately proved fruitless. Now ...

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