HTC quietly sinking, Google Drive improves, YouTube on WP8 watered & more – Pocketnow Daily

Watch today’s Pocketnow Daily as we talk about LG’s new Optimus GJ and what’s different from the previous Optimus G, if there really is any difference. Then we talk about Microsoft and how it had to water-down its YouTube app for Windows Phone 8 due to a petition from Google. Speaking of Google, their new Google Drive is next as it got significantly revamped in mobile. The Nokia EOS project is next as we go through a possible launch date. We end today’s show talking about how the news show an HTC quietly sinking due to some major departures in their staff. All this ...

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LG hops on waterproof bandwagon with Optimus GJ

Waterproof smartphones: so hot right now. Sony got things rolling in 2013 with the Xperia Z, and with models like the Galaxy S 4 Active looming over the horizon, it doesn’t look like waterproof phones are going away anytime soon. The latest to go official comes from LG, which today revealed the waterproof Optimus GJ. As the name implies, this handset shares much in common with last year’s Optimus G. That means the same quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro, 2GB of RAM, and 4.7-inch ...

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