At last, iOS 14 will let you set a default email and web browser app

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Back in February, it was reported that Apple might soon allow users to set third-party apps as the default option over the in-house apps that come pre-installed on an iPhone. Today, that rumor turned to reality, thanks to iOS 14 that was showcased by Apple earlier today at its digital-only WWDC20 conference.

Notably, Apple didn’t talk about this feature during the presentation, and it was found buried deep inside the iOS 14 preview changelog. Titled “Set default email and browser apps“, Apple describes the feature as “Set a default web browser and email app that launch when you click a link or want to compose a new mail message.”

In simple terms, Apple will let users replace the Mail app with third-party options such as Gmail or Outlook as the default email app. Likewise, you can choose Chrome, Firefox, or any other third-party web browser as the default option for opening web links instead of Safari. While this is definitely a useful addition for users, it also shows that Apple is willing to loosen some grip on its ecosystem for the benefit of users.

The post At last, iOS 14 will let you set a default email and web browser app appeared first on Pocketnow.

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