Google takes a step back to make VR content creation practical and cheap with VR180 technology

VR180 sounds inferior to 360-degree video recording, but as Google sees it, this could be the future of virtual reality content creation.

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YouTube VR app prepped for primetime at the Play Store

If you’re sure you have a proper Android Nougat phone that can support high-demand virtual reality tasks and have a Daydream View headset destined for the mailbox (if it isn’t already taken out of it already), then you’re almost ready to experience a whole new suite of VR apps on Android.

One of them is YouTube VR, an app that is 360-degree all ways from the user interface to the viewing experience — no more fumbling with your phone on the regular YouTube app before clumsily trying to dive that phone back into its proper Cardboard slot. And in addition to immersive videos (with 3D, if the creators fancy), you’ve got access to plain ‘ol squares and rectangles, too. Spatial audio is also implemented into your experience to weird your ears out when you whip your head around.

The app is available from the Play Store and from mirror sites if you feel mischievous with your other VR solutions.

Oddly enough, the only featured review for the app so far has a one-star rating and pleads with Google to just “add the functionality to the YouTube app”, though the thought of bloating up the regular app with all the infrastructure these VR features need is just unpleasant, especially if there’s a limited device compatibility pool in the beginning.

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