OnePlus 8 series gets August 2020 security patch with the new update

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OnePlus is rolling out the August 2020 Android security patch for its current flagship smartphones, the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro (review). This update does not bring any new features but it fixes a couple of bugs and optimizes the front camera. These are the builds that are being seeded out around the world.

Region OnePlus 8 OnePlus 8 Pro
India OxygenOS 10.5.11.IN21DA OxygenOS 10.5.13.IN11DA
Europe OxygenOS 10.5.10.IN21BA OxygenOS 10.5.12.IN11BA
North America OxygenOS 10.5.12.IN21AA OxygenOS 10.5.13.IN11AA

While the build number is different, the update is basically the same and carries a common changelog. It includes fixes for the overlapping character display issue with the ambient display and other known issues. Moreover, the shooting effect for the front camera has been optimized as well.

Source: OnePlus Community 1, 2

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