Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university

Occasionally, we come across these unscientific, weird surveys that characterize owners of certain brands of phones in certain ways.

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Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university

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Occasionally, we come across these unscientific, weird surveys that characterize owners of certain brands of phones in certain ways.

The post Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university appeared first on Pocketnow.

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Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university

Occasionally, we come across these unscientific, weird surveys that characterize owners of certain brands of phones in certain ways.

The post Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university appeared first on Pocketnow.

Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university

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Occasionally, we come across these unscientific, weird surveys that characterize owners of certain brands of phones in certain ways.

The post Survey says Samsung’s business out front, iPhone’s party at back in university appeared first on Pocketnow.

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